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Welcome to Wollen Möbel Kaufen?! - Berlin's largest supplier of vintage furniture.

It couldn't be more sustainable!

Even though there have been great efforts to protect the environment in almost all industries in recent years, the following unfortunately still applies to the furniture industry:

Only vintage furniture is truly sustainable.

By purchasing a used piece of furniture, not only are these beautiful objects preserved for posterity, but valuable resources are also saved and a great deal of CO2 emissions are prevented.

According to the Thünen Report 31 from 2015, 8 kg of CO₂ are produced in Germany for every 1 kg of newly manufactured wooden furniture . The balance is even worse for imported furniture, e.g. from the Far East, and the transport of this furniture also plays a significant role.

We are not naive or megalomaniac and we do not believe that used furniture is or ever will be the decisive factor in protecting the environment. Much more effort is needed from all of us in all areas of life.

But when buying furniture, it is comparatively easy to act in an environmentally conscious way. You have already taken the first step by visiting our site.

The step in the right direction:

Our customers save more than 1000 tons* of CO2 every year.

* Calculation according to generally accepted Lt. Thünen Report 31 from 2015

Long story short:

From a Friedrichshain cellar to the German Bundestag